Monday, September 10, 2012♥
4:05 PM

Below are the links of posts I've commented on for my peers (:

Bei Lin

Fang Ni




My comment of Ashley's is as shown below as there were a few technical errors:

this is part two of my andy goldsworthy task which is long overdue, but still. this is me, stepping into andy's shoes and trying to imitate him in his 'environmental sculpturing' (as some of his critics call it), and create something new. i tried, twice, because i didn't really like the first one. so this is the second one i came up with, inspired by nature itself. my composition isn't a sculpture per say, despite its three dimensionality, because it doesnt really stand up on its own, however, i'd think of it as a flat representation of a deconstructed flower.
i imitated andy's style of using the the elements from nature- i used petals of a rose and small stalks of flowers, and assembled the composition with my bare hands. the dark purple rose petals and arranged in a circle surrounding the tiny lavender flowers in the middle. this is me trying to mimic andy's pebbles artwork (the circular motion). and surrounding that are little white stalks of flowers to frame the artwork.
to understand the rationale behind this piece, you must first know that the flowers i used are all dried up, so technically they are dead. so while andy tries to capture the transitory moment of nature at its peak of its beauty, i try to find the beauty after the life of nature burns out. this might seem ambitious, or idealistic (as some may say death is not one to be admired), but i think that beauty is only in the matter of perspective. hence, here i try to recreate what the flowers once were, by tearing them apart only to assemble them to what they were before, just in a simpler form, in the hopes of preserving their moment of beauty in their afterlife. 


Comment! (: