Artwork - INSPIRE'12 XinYao Concert Designs
Saturday, August 25, 2012♥
6:48 PM

This year, being part of a Youth For Causes group called INSPIRE'12, I was in charge of all design components which includes poster, ticket, programme booklet, and certificates. The following shows some concepts and ideas that develop over time.

At first, since the concert was called 'Heartbeat', the initial imagery that hit me was of course, a heart. In order to incorporate both the terms 'beat' and the concert element into it, I thought that creating the shape of a musical note using negative space across the heart would well convey this in a simplistic and direct manner. I wanted the overall feel of the concert poster to be appealing, dynamic, yet clear cut, as seen bu the solid lines from the elements and the fonts. I used cherry red and teal as the main colours as I felt that the colours complemented each other very well and it was a good balance between warm and cool colours.

To add an interesting element to the poster, I used a long striped teal line to cut across the side of the poster. The space cut out on the right side felt too empty so I incorporate footprints to show the dance aspects of the concert.

Initial Poster Concept 
Poster Draft Design
Final Poster Design
Initial Ticket Design
Draft Ticket Design

Final Ticket Design

Certificate Design

For the ticket, concert booklet and certificate design, I retained the core elements of the poster and applied them accordingly.

Presentation of Certificates

Printed Programme Booklet and Tickets

Since there were simply too many draft files and changes along the entire process, I only selected a few milestones in the designing process. Throughout the course of the designing,you can clearly see how much it changes over time to adhere to the concert's requirements. From this, I've learnt that art in actual application such as poster designs etc, has a much different approach and considerations to make along the way. 

It goes beyond just expressing what you wish to express. 



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